911 Memorial Peace Garden in Chaffin Park, Newton, MA

911 Memorial Peace Garden in Chaffin Park, Newton, MA
In 2002, I designed the 911 Memorial Peace Garden in Chaffin Park, Newton Corner, as a beacon of hope for peace.  I had adopted the space along with a few other volunteers.  Our Peace Garden is shaped into the universal symbol of peace. It is accessible for wheelchairs along a newly renovated walkway. 

Children, elders, and members of the community come every year for our event to paint "Peace Rocks" in 27 different languages. -   Maryan
A library book...is not, then, an article of mere consumption but fairly of capital, and often in the case of professional men, setting out in life, is their only capital.
— Thomas JEFFERSON (1743-1826)


Hi Friends

Come help out on April 26, 2009 for NEWTON SERVES. We will be organizing a clean up of the grounds of our beloved Newton Corner Branch and Chaffin Park.

We will be planting spring bulbs in our 911 Memorial Peace Garden. This garden was designed by Maryan Amaral after 911. The installation and art is from volunteers in the community. Come prepared to join in the fun!

For any questions about Newton Serves, please contact Beverly Stachowitz at Newton City Hall
at (617) 796-1290. For questions about the peace garden, please contact Maryan at gardensnewton@yahoo.com.

Thank you!

Maryan Amaral, Director
Friends of NCBL, Chaffin Park and 911 Memorial Peace Garden, Inc: A not-for-profit, (non-501(c)3) fully volunteer organization first established as a Friends group in the mid 1990's (Adopt A Space) and incorporated in 2007 to save our branch library grounds and our 911 Memorial Peace Garden.